Rhyming words 5th Scholarship English / यमक जुळणारे शब्द ५ वी शिष्यवृत्ती इंग्रजी

 Rhyming words


Rhyming words are two or more words that have similar ending sound.

few examples of rhyming words are:

  •  cat - mat - bat -rat 
  • ten - hen - men - pen
  • jacket - locket - cricket
  • thing - ring - sing - wing
  • by - cry - shy
  • hook - cook - book - look
  • sun - run - gun
  • tall - hall - call - doll
  • sit - fit - hit -  kit
  • kite - white - right - height
  • face - race - place
  • hot - not - cot
  • seed - feed - weed
  • goat - boat - float
  • sing - wing - king
  • make - cake - lake
  • main - pain - rain 
so read some more rhyming words of this type and solve the given test for more practise.

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